MoNetExplorer: A Visual Analytics System for Analyzing Dynamic Networks with Temporal Network Motifs
Seokweon Jung -
DongHwa Shin -
Hyeon Jeon -
Kiroong Choe -
Jinwook Seo -
DOI: 10.1109/TVCG.2023.3337396
Room: Bayshore I
2024-10-16T18:33:00ZGMT-0600Change your timezone on the schedule page

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Visual analytics, Measurement, Size measurement, Windows, Time measurement, Data visualization, Task analysis, Visual analytics, Dynamic networks, Temporal network motifs, Interactive network slicing
Partitioning a dynamic network into subsets (i.e., snapshots) based on disjoint time intervals is a widely used technique for understanding how structural patterns of the network evolve. However, selecting an appropriate time window (i.e., slicing a dynamic network into snapshots) is challenging and time-consuming, often involving a trial-and-error approach to investigating underlying structural patterns. To address this challenge, we present MoNetExplorer, a novel interactive visual analytics system that leverages temporal network motifs to provide recommendations for window sizes and support users in visually comparing different slicing results. MoNetExplorer provides a comprehensive analysis based on window size, including (1) a temporal overview to identify the structural information, (2) temporal network motif composition, and (3) node-link-diagram-based details to enable users to identify and understand structural patterns at various temporal resolutions. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our system, we conducted a case study with network researchers using two real-world dynamic network datasets. Our case studies show that the system effectively supports users to gain valuable insights into the temporal and structural aspects of dynamic networks.