IEEE VIS 2024 Content: Two-point Equidistant Projection and Degree-of-interest Filtering for Smooth Exploration of Geo-referenced Networks

Two-point Equidistant Projection and Degree-of-interest Filtering for Smooth Exploration of Geo-referenced Networks

Max Franke - University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany

Samuel Beck - University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany

Steffen Koch - University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany

Room: Bayshore VI

2024-10-17T16:45:00ZGMT-0600Change your timezone on the schedule page
Exemplar figure, described by caption below
Our approach supports the exploration of relations in geo-referenced networks with animated zoom-and-pan transitions. The figure shows such a transition realized as a two-point equidistant projection. The geodetic line (blue arrow) between the start and end node is projected without distortion. Example views during the animated transition are shown to the left and right of the map. Their respective coverage is indicated by red circles.
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Geographical projection, geo-referenced graph, degree-of-interest function, ego-perspective exploration.


The visualization and interactive exploration of geo-referenced networks poses challenges if the network's nodes are not evenly distributed. Our approach proposes new ways of realizing animated transitions for exploring such networks from an ego-perspective. We aim to reduce the required screen estate while maintaining the viewers' mental map of distances and directions. A preliminary study provides first insights of the comprehensiveness of animated geographic transitions regarding directional relationships between start and end point in different projections. Two use cases showcase how ego-perspective graph exploration can be supported using less screen space than previous approaches.