Two-point Equidistant Projection and Degree-of-interest Filtering for Smooth Exploration of Geo-referenced Networks
Max Franke - University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Samuel Beck - University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Steffen Koch - University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Room: Bayshore VI
2024-10-17T16:45:00ZGMT-0600Change your timezone on the schedule page

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Geographical projection, geo-referenced graph, degree-of-interest function, ego-perspective exploration.
The visualization and interactive exploration of geo-referenced networks poses challenges if the network's nodes are not evenly distributed. Our approach proposes new ways of realizing animated transitions for exploring such networks from an ego-perspective. We aim to reduce the required screen estate while maintaining the viewers' mental map of distances and directions. A preliminary study provides first insights of the comprehensiveness of animated geographic transitions regarding directional relationships between start and end point in different projections. Two use cases showcase how ego-perspective graph exploration can be supported using less screen space than previous approaches.