Honorable Mention
Visualizations on Smart Watches while Running: It Actually Helps!
Sarina Kashanj - University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada
Xiyao Wang - University of Victoria, Victoira, Canada. Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands
Charles Perin - University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada
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Room: Bayshore VI
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Running, Visualization, Smartwatch visualization.
Millions of runners rely on smart watches that display running-related metrics such as pace, heart rate and distance for training and racing—mostly with text and numbers. Although research tells us that visualizations are a good alternative to text on smart watches, we know little about how visualizations can help in realistic running scenarios. We conducted a study in which 20 runners completed running-related tasks on an outdoor track using both text and visualizations. Our results show that runners are 1.5 to 8 times faster in completing those tasks with visualizations than with text, prefer visualizations to text, and would use such visualizations while running — if available on their smart watch.