IEEE VIS 2024 Content: StyleRF-VolVis: Style Transfer of Neural Radiance Fields for Expressive Volume Visualization

StyleRF-VolVis: Style Transfer of Neural Radiance Fields for Expressive Volume Visualization

Kaiyuan Tang - University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, United States

Chaoli Wang - University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, United States

Room: Bayshore I

2024-10-16T12:54:00ZGMT-0600Change your timezone on the schedule page
Exemplar figure, described by caption below
StyleRF-VolVis is an innovative style transfer framework based on the neural radiance field for expressive volume visualization. This framework contains three components: a base NeRF model for ensuring accurate geometry reconstruction, a palette color network to support photorealistic style editing, and an unrestricted color network to achieve non-photorealistic style editing.
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Style transfer, neural radiance field, knowledge distillation, volume visualization


In volume visualization, visualization synthesis has attracted much attention due to its ability to generate novel visualizations without following the conventional rendering pipeline. However, existing solutions based on generative adversarial networks often require many training images and take significant training time. Still, issues such as low quality, consistency, and flexibility persist. This paper introduces StyleRF-VolVis, an innovative style transfer framework for expressive volume visualization (VolVis) via neural radiance field (NeRF). The expressiveness of StyleRF-VolVis is upheld by its ability to accurately separate the underlying scene geometry (i.e., content) and color appearance (i.e., style), conveniently modify color, opacity, and lighting of the original rendering while maintaining visual content consistency across the views, and effectively transfer arbitrary styles from reference images to the reconstructed 3D scene. To achieve these, we design a base NeRF model for scene geometry extraction, a palette color network to classify regions of the radiance field for photorealistic editing, and an unrestricted color network to lift the color palette constraint via knowledge distillation for non-photorealistic editing. We demonstrate the superior quality, consistency, and flexibility of StyleRF-VolVis by experimenting with various volume rendering scenes and reference images and comparing StyleRF-VolVis against other image-based (AdaIN), video-based (ReReVST), and NeRF-based (ARF and SNeRF) style rendering solutions.