IEEE VIS 2024 Content: Talk to the Wall: The Role of Speech Interaction in Collaborative Visual Analytics

Honorable Mention

Talk to the Wall: The Role of Speech Interaction in Collaborative Visual Analytics

Gabriela Molina León - University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany. University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany

Anastasia Bezerianos - LISN, Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, INRIA, Orsay, France

Olivier Gladin - Inria, Palaiseau, France

Petra Isenberg - Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Orsay, France. Inria, Saclay, France

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Room: Bayshore V

2024-10-16T17:00:00ZGMT-0600Change your timezone on the schedule page
Exemplar figure, described by caption below
Two people standing in front of the wall display; one person is moving a group of selected documents by dragging a stack of them with the index finger while the other one observes.
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Speech interaction, wall display, collaborative sensemaking, multimodal interaction, collaboration styles


We present the results of an exploratory study on how pairs interact with speech commands and touch gestures on a wall-sized display during a collaborative sensemaking task. Previous work has shown that speech commands, alone or in combination with other input modalities, can support visual data exploration by individuals. However, it is still unknown whether and how speech commands can be used in collaboration, and for what tasks. To answer these questions, we developed a functioning prototype that we used as a technology probe. We conducted an in-depth exploratory study with 10 participant pairs to analyze their interaction choices, the interplay between the input modalities, and their collaboration. While touch was the most used modality, we found that participants preferred speech commands for global operations, used them for distant interaction, and that speech interaction contributed to the awareness of the partner’s actions. Furthermore, the likelihood of using speech commands during collaboration was related to the personality trait of agreeableness. Regarding collaboration styles, participants interacted with speech equally often whether they were in loosely or closely coupled collaboration. While the partners stood closer to each other during close collaboration, they did not distance themselves to use speech commands. From our findings, we derive and contribute a set of design considerations for collaborative and multimodal interactive data analysis systems. All supplemental materials are available at